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  • halee256


so we all know that choosing what you want to do with the rest of your life is a near to impossible task but we all have to go through it eventually. ive loved art my entire life but it was still hard to sit down and say that's what im going to go to school for. when i first came to college i wasn't even an art student, i was honestly scared to commit to being an artist due to all of the backlash it gets as a "career". i always heard that you cant make a living off of it and its not a 100% job so i went and chose something else i was very interested in as my major, psychology. i went down this path for about a year until i made the realization i really did not want to go to graduate school. at this point i decided to just do what i love and to say screw all of the negative opinions about choosing to be an artist and committing to that path. i changed my major to studio arts but that was just the tip of the iceberg.

as a studio arts student i get to take basically all of the different art studio courses that are offered at our university. now originally i just enjoyed illustration and drawing, id use markers and colored pencils and things like that. starting at the university though i was in sculpture classes, photography classes, drawing, painting, printmaking, and much more. over the 5 years that ive been at the university ive tried many different mediums and learned about many different forms of art. ive learned that i do really love drawing and that is one of my preferred types of art. i like to use graphite and absolutely despise charcoal due to how it makes my hands feel. ive tried ceramics and i loveee the process of it and how things turn out when they come out of the kiln with different glazes, but i could never be a ceramics person due to how it dries out my skin. i love photography and have come to have quite a good understanding of it but i am somewhat limited when it comes to editing because im not the best with technology. as you can see there was lots of trial and error when it came to me figuring out what i wanted to do and what i liked. before i started painting i had the worst connotation of it, i never wanted to paint and thought i would just be really bad at it and didnt have the patience for it. i took my first painting class and actually failed it. i went pack and took it again and started to fall in love with it. after that i continued to take painting classes and now its one of my favorite and most preferred mediums.

you dont always know what you want to do and sometimes you realize what you wanted to do isnt even actually that. art takes time and it becomes really exciting when you can look back and see how far youve come from just figuring out the basics.


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