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  • halee256

Oil Paint Set Up

many artists use different materials and mediums when making their art. if w get more specific even artists that use the same mediums have different setups and all around use different materials. i thought id give you all a little peak into what i use to create my own art.

first off im a painter, i use oil paints which are very different from acrylic paints. they can take up to days and weeks to dry and are also alot more expensive. i enjoy using the gambin oil paints. now with oil paints you normally dont use them alone, you mix them with some sort of paint thinner type of medium. ive used liquin and walnut oil before ( the walnut oil is non hazardous). you also need things to clean your brushes in which ive used mineral spirits and vegetable oil (the vegetable oil is non hazardous). besides these things i usually have some rags to wipe off pallet knifes and brushes. i like to paint on canvas, its definitely nice when you have a homemade canvas but i also use the ones from the store (like Michaels) all the time!


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