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  • halee256

Homemade Stretched Canvas

When it comes to painting a universal ground would be a canvas. now you can always go to your local art store and buy these but an interesting way to add quality and show dedication to your work is by building your own canvas. this isnt always an easy or less expensive option but the weight and feeling of that homemade wooden canvas is definitely a great feeling. now for this you will need some materials and access to certain woodshop tools. the materials you will need that will be a part of your canvas are...

  • 2, 8 ft 1in by 2in poplar boards

  • 2, 8ft 11/16 in quarter rounds

  • 1, 4ft 1in by 2 in poplar board

  • 1 1/2 yards of unprimed canvas

  • white acrylic gesso

after you have all of these materials you are going to need to glue your quarter rounds to your 8 ft 1 by 2's. here you will set your 1 by 2 flat and glue the quarter round to where the pieces together make a flat wall on one side. you will do this for both pieces, make sure you use wood glue for this.

after this dries in a couple minutes your going to make some cuts to your pieces of wood. now here the length of your pieces of wood will depend on how big you want your canvas to be, but the important part is that you are making 45 degree cuts going inwards so that the 4 pieces of wood you end up with all fit together.

after everything is cut your going to need to nail your pieces of wood together at the corners to make the rectangular frame. make sure the all flat side is facing the outside of the frame. now this is fairly easy if you have access to a nail gun but if not then a second person is most likely required to help out during this step. each corner will end up having two nails so 8 in total.

after your square frame is built you will measure the length from the middle of one side of the frame to the other. we are going to cut the last smaller 1 by 2 to make a support beam for the canvas. here you will just cut the piece to the correct size (cut bigger than smaller you want this piece to be snug) and then nail it in place from the outside of the canvas. after this we have our frame completely built.

lastly we need to stretch our canvas over our frame. lay your canvas out and place your frame (curved side down) on top of it. from here your going to go around your canvas and staple the canvas is place. for this you will need to get some tension on each side so dont place too many staples on one side at a time. make sure you are pulling the canvas tightly while stapling. keep on doing this until you have stapled your whole canvas and it is pulled tightly. after this you will apply the coats of your white acrylic gesso and then your canvas is ready to paint on!


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